INFO Chapter 1

The page “Ch. 1  Rite of passage” contains the entries 12-21 on the blog with time travels in Akhenaton’s Egypt and a still habitable Mars’ Gale crater. This text is the final version therefore some things are changed compared with the previous blog entries.
Io Deceneus -Journal of a time traveler

The first book of “The Living Universe” book series.

The book was edited by:                                                                                                                WritersServices(Macmillan)                                                                                                                Writers and Artists (Bloomsbury)

The book can be found on:–Journal-ebook/dp/B008EJTPHI

Time travel synopsis

It is never easy to be a “dreamer” in search of things real life cannot provide, wandering in an alternate albeit imaginary existence. He is both afraid and delighted by his experiences, not knowing that it is only a trial for a job no one can refuse: to be a traveler in time and space. On a quiet evening, a Gate is taking human shape, to pay him a visit, and his life will change forever.

His employer is a Faction, the final form of social evolution in a galaxy where all civilizations are human-like except for the Erins – – a mysterious experiment representing the next level of intelligent life that the self-conscious Universe is organizing in his it quest toward the Omega Point. A galaxy where Earth, enslaved by a ruthless financial system, is considered an example of failed civilization. He has to help a far away culture in its evolution from the Paleolithic to Industrial Age.

Factions know that many of them disappeared in the Universe’s past enhancements and they want to have a say in the next step. When they can’t, they go for destruction, stealthily, as they are not allowed to directly interfere. Rogue Factions are carefully preparing a war of annihilation. It is hard to start conflicts with peaceful people, so their society and economy have to be undermined. Earth’s “model” is used for subversion and he is the best choice to counter it.

And he will become Deceneus, the “far sighted”, challenging the reader to consider the subject of free will and winding timelines.


  1. Reading is an escapist hobby, but science fiction and fantasy reading even more allowing this — people escape out of their own worlds into places and times that do not exist nor ever will. It is not even sure that time travel will ever be possible. Still we dream about traveling in time. People come to science fiction and fantasy for continuity – most children’s fairy tales are happening in the fantastic realm – but they stay for reasons as varied as why people read at all. I liek to read science fiction because it’s a genre full of ideas and optimism and inspiration. It allow me to dream.

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